Advanced Septic Services
Advanced Septic Services
POB 394
Cassadaga NY 14718
T: 716-665-7822 Jamestown
T: 716-595-2526 Cassadaga
About Us
My Uncle Stanley Mikula started pumping tanks in 1955 as a sideline job. In 1991 I purchased the business from him. This business included a 1968 C-60 Chevy truck with a 1500 gallon vacuum tank. Pretty primitive. Today, we have 1 - 4000 gallon pumper and 2 - 2500 gallon pumpers with the best modern equipment available. We are a full time business and can take care of any needs you have concerning your septic system. We are the # 1 septic service company in Chautauqua County serving several thousand satisfied homeowners because we take care of our customers needs.
My staff are the best. Helen or Teena in the office can usually answer any question you have. My technician Joe and myself together have years of experience and can diagnose any problems once we have pumped and inspected your system.
We won't just pump your tank, we will inspect several aspects of your system and suggest anything it may need that may have been overlooked. I invite you to join our going list of satisfied customers
